In this article you will find out how to do Scratch download.

If you feel like doing things onScratch download you own, you might lose valuable time, you can start using it by going to the official Scratch website

In generally there are two ways to use the Scratch software, either online or offline, which requires Scratch download. To use it online, simply click on ”Try it out” and you will be taken to the online scratch 2.0 editor. It also has it disadvantages, you cant save your work for later use, and the backpack feature will not work. I will speak more about this feature later in this article. There is an option on the website to create a user profile. The advantage of having one is it will allow you to save your work automatically, so you can later comeback and continue developing your project, from any computer that has internet connection. It also allows you to use the backpack feature, which lets you store chunks of scripts, characters, sounds and backgrounds from your projects or from other Scratch user projects for later use.

Offline usage.

The last option is to get the Scratch download directly on your computer. To get to the internet resources for this, simply add /scratch2download to the main Scratch webpage. You will redirected to the software page. This options allows you to do Scratch programming offline. With this comes many benefits. First, you can use it without the need for internet. Secondly, you can easily upload your backgrounds, sprites and more into your programs from your hard drive, and you can save your work on your computer. It gives a wider room for personalized action. Make sure you choose to download it for your operating system. You might also need to download Adobe Air, which is required to run the Scratch.  I personally have downloaded the Scratch editor on my computer, because I like to simply double click on the icon on my desktop. Also bear in mind that it is completely free to use it. If anyone asks for payment, don’t trust them. The installation is pretty straight forward, leave the default setting on.

It works great on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Also note that the offline editor makes automatic updates whenever you start the program so you are given the latest and most up to date experience.

Written by ProgrammingMax

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